Песня Under Pressure Х от создателя F.Mercury and D.Bowie - прослушайте и не мямлите, что не расслышали скачать песни f х

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Оценка: 0

Исполнитель: F.Mercury and D.Bowie

Название: Under Pressure (Х/ф "Это очень забавная история")

Продолжительность песни: 04:01

Добавлен: 2015-03-12

Текст песни просмотрен: 475

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Ещё песни этого исполнителя F.Mercury and D.Bowie
Текст песни целиком:

Pressure pushing down on me,
Pressing down on you, no man asked for.
Under pressure, that burns a building down,
Splits a family in two,
Puts people on streets...

That's ok...
It's the terror of knowing what this world is about..
Watching some good friends screaming, "Let me out!"
Pray tomorrow, gets me higher...
Pressure on people, people on streets..

Chippin' around, kick my brains around the floor.
These are the days it never rains but it pours..

People on streets, people on streets..

It's the terror of knowing what this world is about..
Watching some good friends screaming, "Get me out!"
Pray tomorrow, gets me higher and higher and high...
Pressure on people, people on streets..

Turned away from it all like a blind man
Sat on a fence but it don't work.
Keep coming up with love but it's so slashed and torn..
Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?
Love.. Love... Love.. Love...

Insanity laughs under pressure, we're cracking
Can't we give ourselves one more chance?
Why can't we give love that one more chance?
Why can't we give love, give love, give love, give love, give love, give love, give love, give love?
'Cos love's such an old fashioned word
And love dares you to care for the people on the edge of the night
And love dares you to change our way of caring about ourselves
This is our last dance

This is ourselves..
Under pressure...
Under pressure...

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Трейлер Это очень забавная история (2010)
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